
July 20, 2013

A New Adventure

This Journey started about a year ago between the four walls I live, work and sleep in. I don't exactly remember what specifically roused the desire to have a voice, but at some point I knew I wanted to write a blog, talk about the things that I care about, and share the things I create - maybe even find some like-minded people, because they don't seem to dwell where I usually attempt to socialize.

So, as you do when you're an overly insecure person like me and rarely ever leave the house, I've been doing a lot of research on how to get this thing off the ground. I read about content strategy, layout, platforms, illustration and copyright issues - you name it. I've even prewritten some posts. But there's only so much you can do without actually doing the deed. So, I come to this party late and totally over prepared in theory, yet probably totally clueless in practice - the usual.

I've set myself a deadline to get this thing going before my 27th birthday. It wasn't a bad feeling to see it pass by - maybe because the stage fright somehow went along with it and I finally got up the courage to really put myself out there. So this, in a sense, is an ending as much as it is a beginning - the ending of preparation and fretting and the beginning of the actual adventure. I'm leaving behind the safety of those snugly four walls and step out into the big wide world of the Internet with all it's perils and temptations. I'm still somewhat apprehensive, but I'm putting one foot in front of the other and keep my eyes on the price i.e. gaining confidence and meeting some like-minded people along the way or getting some different perspectives to enrich my understanding of the world.

I know I might just be talking to myself here, but if anyone were to ever reads this - because it's out on the Internet now and this kind of thing tends to happen sometimes when things are out on the Internet, feel free to talk back - in a civilized manner, please.

Farewell fellow hermits

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