

Hello there, random internet person who has somehow stumbled upon this Blog. I'm Ninette. That is a pseudonym because the internet can be a scary place - especially for women. I chose it because it's somewhat related to my real life nickname.

a self-portrait
Who's that girl?

I am a 30 year old woman from Germany with degrees in Egyptology and Ancient History. I'm a dog person, a tea enthusiast, an idealist, a pessimist and somewhat of a hermit. I read a lot of books and sometimes I review them.

Why is she here?

I'm usually rather quiet. That's not for a lack of things to say. It's just that I can express myself a lot better in writing. I often find my mind reeling after I've read a book or watched a movie or life happened and I would really like to communicate my thoughts, but either there's no one around or they don't seem interested in "overanalysing" things like I do. So I thought sharing my thoughts on this blog might be a good idea if only to develop and record them.

random experimentation

What is she gonna do?

I post mostly book reviews which are really hybrids of review and personal reflection on themes or thoughts I had while reading. Other content may be inspired by different media or just life, but similar in style. I hope I can manage to think somewhat against the grid and not repeat the same thing everyone else has already said a million times. I might also use this place to post some other things that I created like short stories (if I feel brave/inclined to translate) or drawings. 

Some random facts about myself

  • I've never been crazy about chocolate - even as a child
  • I am a visuo-spacial synesthete
  • I learned how to decipher hieroglyphic texts 
  • I might enjoy throwing stuff away more than getting new stuff
  • according to the MBTI, I'm an INFP

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